Security Products


At the 2015 Cloud Identity Summit, Alex Simons, the Director of Program Management for Active Directory at Microsoft indicated that there are 500M Active Directory user accounts with approximately 10B logins per day. He also commented that it is a well known industry statistic that 75% of intrusions are due to compromised credentials (see Opening CIS Keynote). These sobering statistics make it clear that new alternatives are required to increase security on the web. Bright Plaza offers Kaje as one such alternative.

Kaje is a unique platform for authenticating and authorizing web logons. In contrast to contemporary models where usernames and passwords are stored together allowing for credentials to be easily compromised, Kaje separates the username from the password. This unique architecture not only increases security and privacy, but it allows for a variety of innovative proof of knowledge products.



Kaje Picture Password allows users to upload their own image and create a visual password from a series of points and strokes on the image. Picture passwords are easier to remember than text passwords and also offer greater entropy, meaning that they are not as easily compromised. Further, the picture password acts as a site key.

Click here to learn more. And click here to get the iPad app.

Open-source plugins for Kaje Picture Password are available for both Drupal and WordPress, which means Kaje can be implemented very quickly on most sites.



Recognizing that many users and websites still prefer traditional passwords, Kaje offers a text password solution. By offering text passwords on the Kaje architecture, security is still enhanced because usernames and passwords are not stored together. Kaje is also developing an enhancement to the text passwords that will allow users to enter multiple text passwords for use during the login process to their favorite websites. This product is in beta stage and will be released soon.



Kaje Video Password allows users to upload their favorite videos and make selections during playback of the video to create a unique password. This product is in beta stage and will be released soon.



Logging into a website is one thing, but should you always have full access to your account? Wouldn’t it be great if the login process was smart enough to ask for additional proof of identity when your credentials are being used at odd times and from unknown machines? Wouldn’t it be great if the login process could check for a cognitive state to make sure you haven’t logged into the site in a diminished capacity? Kaje Advanced Capability addresses both of these problems by allowing users to create additional proofs of identity and proofs of mental capacity. And because these tests are separated from the username, the same security and privacy offered by the Kaje platform remains intact. This product is in development stage and will be released soon.


Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs) have been a resounding success in enterprise systems but consumer adoption has not been as strong as expected or justified by the technical advantages and lower costs for SEDs versus software encryption solutions.

A newly released report from Coughlin Associates* on the self-encrypting drive market has indicated that:

  1. By 2017, 100% of all HDDs shipped are projected to be SED capable, driven by implementation of this capability into commercial HDD controllers
  2. By 2014 almost all SSDs were SED capable and by 2015 they all have this capability.
  3. Although actual SSD SED feature implementation in 2018 is 100% in about 236 M SSDs, the projected actual SSDs from that year intended for security and data protection purposes is estimated at less than 24 M units.

Given these trends, Bright Plaza, Inc. and Coughlin Associates have jointly formed The Drive Trust Alliance (DTA) aimed squarely toward solving the SED adoption problem. The Drive Trust Alliance is an alliance of companies, organizations, and individuals that will benefit from cost efficiencies in marketing on-going education and the creation and support of open source software for managing SEDs.

The leadership of the Drive Trust Alliance has been heavily involved in the activities of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), helping develop the standards covering TCG Opal SEDs on desktop, laptop, and mobile devices.

Following are activities that the Drive Trust Alliance will spearhead:

  1. Maintain the Open Source Reference Platform. The code for our Open Source TCG Opal software (for Linux, Mac, and Windows) is available through our website. It is well recognized that the presence of open source software in a marketplace expands the adoption of new technologies. Our GPL License provides for free commercial distribution.
  2. Promote SED Marketing and Education via various means including:
    1. The Drive Trust Alliance Web Site, Conference Presentations, Education, Demonstrations, Media and PR, Events, Publications

The alliance does not develop new technical specifications, but rather assists implementers and users to understand and successfully implement the SED storage device standards. These standards have been created by the TCG Storage Workgroup (such as Opal), ISO/ANSI T13 SATA, USB, and OASIS KMIP for network control.

Whether you are a customer for superior SED technology for data at rest protection or a producer of SED technology including network management in order to achieve regulatory compliance, you will find that the Drive Trust Alliance provides a convenient means to save costs while achieving broad adoption.



The online success stories we build all start the same way. We take the time to sit down with our clients and systematically determine exactly what their business objectives are and how a web strategy can complement those objectives. We then develop a proposal to suit your business and budget. This way you know exactly what time and budgetary commitments you will need to make in order to insure your program’s success.

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